
Chair’s blog (November 2022)

Welcome to the November issue of the AGS Magazine. As we plunge into the festivities that autumn and winter bring, we at…

Chair’s Blog (September 2022)

Welcome to the September issue of the AGS Magazine. I trust you will find it as informative as always. As ever, the…

Chair’s Blog (August 2022)

This is our first magazine since the AGS Annual Conference in July and I am pleased to report that it was a…

Chair’s Blog (May 2022)

Welcome to the May issue of the AGS Magazine and thanks to all for their contributions. I have been impressed with the…

Chair’s Blog (March 2022)

Welcome to the March issue of the AGS Magazine, in which we welcome in the Spring with a varied collection of articles…

Chair’s Blog (January 2022)

A happy New Year to you all and welcome to the January issue of the AGS Magazine. I hope you have had…

Chair’s Blog (October 2021)

This is our first magazine since the AGS Annual Conference in September and I am pleased to report that it was a…

Chair’s Blog (September 2021)

Welcome to the August/September issue of the AGS Magazine. I trust you will find it as informative as always. I am looking…

Chair’s Blog (July 2021)

This is my first magazine Foreword as AGS Chair and I am very much looking forward to my term in this role.…

Chair’s Blog (May 2021)

This will be my final foreword, as Chair of AGS, as my tenure will pass to the safe hands of Sally Hudson…

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