The AGS is holding a sustainability-themed poster competition at this year’s Annual Conference, and we’d like to see how Early Career Professionals are applying sustainable practices in the workplace.
Whether it’s applying SuRF UK’s sustainable management practices, using mobile data capture, using ethically sourced PPE, we’d like to see your ideas and practices for how you’re improving sustainability.
The poster should be colourful, eye-catching and aim to inspire businesses to become more sustainable. Submissions can cover any of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals: https://sdgs.un.org/goals
The winner will receive a Selfridges hamper worth £85, free entry to this year’s Annual Conference on 25th April in London, plus have their poster printed in AGS Magazine which reaches over 6,000 industry professionals 6 times a year.
All posters submitted will be displayed at the Annual Conference.
Posters should be submitted in a high resolution, A4 format and can be created in any means, from drawing by hand, utilising photography, to computer-generated artwork.
Please note that all submitted posters will be printed and displayed at the AGS Annual Conference.
To enter, please email your poster alongside your full name and company to Caroline Kratz at ags@ags.org.uk with the subject title ‘AGS Poster Competition’. The deadline for entries is Friday 5th April at 9pm.
The Annual Conference is the flagship event in the AGS’ calendar. Taking place on 25th April 2024 at One Great George Street in London, the event will see over 200 geotechnical and geoenvironmental professionals in attendance.
This year’s Annual Conference has an overarching theme of sustainability and the AGS will be donating a percentage of profits made to Projects for Nature, an initiative which aims to restore nature recovery in the UK.
For further information and to register click HERE or email ags@ags.org.uk