[WEBINAR REPLAY] Sustainability in the Delivery of Brownfield Regeneration: Sustainable Management of Soils

This webinar took place on 26th May 2022 11:00
Duration: 2hr

We’re pleased to announce details on the final webinar in this two part series on brownfield regeneration.

The successful delivery of societal resilience to changing climate depends on increased adaptation and acceptance by both society and industry of the need to rapidly embrace change.  Such is anticipated to drive both innovation and opportunity throughout all sectors. Our sector is no different.

Sustainability in the Delivery of Brownfield Regeneration is a CPD webinar series where we will share some of the more recent policy changes that will increasingly influence how we deliver sustainable brownfield development in the UK.  This will include the provision of policy updates, their associated opportunity and legal perspective on responsibilities and risk. On a more practical basis we will also present awareness of the tools available to assist decision making to sustainable remediation options and waste classification.

Sustainability in the Delivery of Brownfield Regeneration: Sustainable Management of Soils, is the second webinar in this series. In this session, and continuing the theme of sustainability, we will look at soil’s management. Our speakers will firstly provide a policy update about the new Code of Practice for the Sustainable Use of Soils and its implications to development. This will be followed by a legal perspective on the liabilities imposed on developers and consultants under the revised Duty of Care and how to reduce these risks. Finally, we will hear tips and experience so as to better assist practitioners in the classification of soils. This is an area that remains on occasion bound by error yet easily avoided and can lead to poor decision making in the sustainable management of soils and costs.

This webinar is two hours in length and will feature influential and leading UK speakers, each with an aim to share and increase awareness, direct listeners to available resource and provide an opportunity for open discussion. These presentations will be followed by an opportunity for audience questions to the expert group.

The narrative and detail presented will be of particular interest to developers, consultants and contractors alike.

Please note that both webinars in the Sustainability in the delivery of Brownfield Regeneration series are available at a reduced, bundle rate. Members of the AGS may purchase both webinars for £40 (or £25 for one) and Non-Members can purchase both webinars for £45 (or £30 for one). Prices exclude VAT. To access the bundle rate, please click here.

If you are an AGS member, please select your AGS member company at the checkout to obtain the member rate.


Sustainable Soils Management & the future of Soils Reuse

Nicholas Willenbrock (Manager – Definition of Waste: Development Industry Code of Practice at CL:AIRE)

What is the current state of play and what does industry need to achieve a circular economy of soils? What are the current sustainability goals within current waste regulation and policy frameworks. What changes can we make to waste management to incentivise the sustainable re-use of soil and waste materials?


Legal Responsibilities and the Cost of Getting it Wrong

Anna Willets (Partner at Gunnercooke LLP)

Outlining legal responsibilities/liabilities and regulatory guidance relating to:

    • Waste definition and classification (including applying Waste Acceptance Criteria – WAC) and the consequences of getting it wrong
    • Resources Framework, Definition of Waste Service & self-assessment
    • Duty of care and how you can mitigate your risks
    • HMRC, Landfill Tax Regimes and associated risks of non-compliance
    • Legal barriers to the circular economy and how they can be overcome


Sustainability, Standards and Best Practice

Will Fardon (Technical Director at Chemtech Environmental) and Chris Swainston (Principal Environmental Consultant at Soils)

We’ll be discussing the role of guidance and formal standards in driving not only best practice and fit for purpose data, but also sustainable solutions in contaminated land investigation.



Ian Bishop
Managing Director at One Touch Data

Ian’s company produces and supports the industry standard hazardous waste classification software, HazWasteOnline™. His background includes geology, geophysics and environmental data management plus 16 years working for Golder Associates. He started One Touch Data in 2008, just as the banking system crashed; the crisis leading to a change in direction and the development of HazWasteOnline™. Today, he spends a lot of time working with stakeholders to help improve standards and understanding across the industry.

Nick Willenbrock
Manager - Definition of Waste: Development Industry Code of Practice at CL:AIRE

Nicholas has a background in Geology and Environmental Management working previously as both a consultant and contractor in land quality.

At CL:AIRE he oversees the Definition of Waste: Development Industry Code of Practice (DoW CoP) – a successful, co-regulation approach to excavated soils reuse. Nicholas is one of the lead trainers and is the national primary point of contact for the initiative, managing its development, promotion, and auditing.

Nicholas is a lead partner in the ReCon Soil research project and was involved in some of the first research into the benefits of soil reuse through sustainability assessments of real projects. Alongside this, he has developed CL:AIRE’s online ‘Register of Materials’ which successfully matches projects with surplus soils to those with a deficit.

Anna Louise Willetts
Partner at Gunnercooke LLP

Anna is an environmental criminal lawyer, specialising in defence work in the waste and recycling industry. She is dual-qualified, having completed a PhD in geochemistry and worked as an environmental consultant for 5 years before qualifying as a lawyer.

Anna represents waste and recycling businesses and directors who are prosecuted by the regulators (Environment Agency and local authorities) for environmental and waste offences.

She has been a member of CIWM for over 20 years, is a Trustee of the Institution and Senior Vice President becoming President in June this year. She is also Co-Convenor if UKELA’s Waste Working Party.

Anna is co-authoring a book on the practical application of waste management law with a barrister and an environmental consultant.

Will Fardon
Technical Director at Chemtech Environmental

Will has been working in the analytical testing industry for over 20 years, working in the laboratory for a number of years before moving into customer management, technical sales and more recently Quality and Technical management.

Will is the current chair of the AGS Laboratories Working group

Chris Swainston
Principal Environmental Consultant at Soils Limited

With over 27 years’ experience in geo-environmental engineering and modelling, primarily within site investigation, monitoring and related remediation activities, Chris has significant experience of a wide range of works and activities in and around the contaminated land field including particular specialisms in site investigation, monitoring, waste, modelling and asbestos as a practitioner, advisor, mentor, field worker, writer, presenter and trainer. His work has been recognised with a commendation from the AGS contaminated land working group in 2018 and he has been Chair of the BSI Soil Quality Group EH/4 (responsible for BS10175, BS8485, BS8576 and others) since 2011. For the AGS and Ciria he has helped produced definitive industry guidance in the fields of asbestos safety for site investigation workers, sampling and monitoring protocols, interpretation of UK/CEN and ISO standards, environmental hazards, groundwater modelling, wastes and others, and has lectured on these and other related subjects at various key industry events including a sampling and monitoring workshop for the Geological Society and SoBRA as well as a Member of the Editorial Board of QJEGH. He is also a founding committee member of the Geological Society Contaminated Land Group. Currently, in addition to project works, he also acts as company advisor, mentor and trainer regarding general and specific environmental matters including sampling and monitoring protocols.

Price: £36.00
AGS Member: £30.00
inc. VAT

Price: £36.00
AGS Member: £30.00
inc. VAT