Instrumentation and Monitoring: How Not to Get it Wrong is a CPD webinar which will identify the importance of instrumentation and monitoring (I&M) in Geotechnical Engineering and, as such, will focus on how to obtain reliable field monitoring data.
Chaired by Daniele Fornelli (AGS Instrumentation and Monitoring Working Group Leader and Associate Technical Director at Geotechnical Observations), this webinar will underline the need to give early consideration to the definition of the I&M scope and I&M plan, taking into account the specific risks and opportunities of each project and the transversal nature of I&M across several disciplines.
The fundamental importance of correctly installing the right instrument in the right place will be illustrated with the help of practical examples for a selection of exemplar instruments. To this extent, the webinar will focus on typical instruments choices and installation issues, and how to avoid these.
The need for dedicated, focussed training and education will also receive attention, together with considerations around field monitoring data validation, analysis and interpretation.
The webinar will be of benefit for professionals, technicians and specialists involved in Geotechnical projects.
Tickets for this webinar are priced at £25 for AGS Members and £30 for non-Members. Prices exclude VAT.
Part 1 – Instrumentation and Monitoring in Geotechnical Engineering: From Principles to Concept by Daniele Fornelli (AGS Instrumentation and Monitoring Working Group Leader and Associate Technical Director at Geotechnical Observations) and Tim Clegg (Managing Director, Geosense)
This presentation will provide a holistic introduction to Instrumentation and Monitoring (I&M) for Geotechnical Engineering, and to the importance of field monitoring data reliability. The main features for the definition of an effective I&M scope will also receive attention.
Part 2 – Instrumentation and Monitoring in Geotechnical Engineering: The Importance of Details by Daniele Fornelli (AGS Instrumentation and Monitoring Working Group Leader and Associate Technical Director at Geotechnical Observations) and Tim Clegg (Managing Director, Geosense)
This presentation will focus on exemplar I&M schemes, which will be used to illustrate some of the challenges associated with the choice, the installation and the data acquisition procedures of typical monitoring instruments used in Geotechnical Engineering projects.
Geosense is a leading UK manufacturer and global supplier of Geotechnical Instruments and data acquisition systems used worldwide for safety monitoring of elements such as tunnels and metros, deep foundations, infrastructure, mines, dams and geohazards.Geosense specialises in Vibrating wire and MEMS technology as well as offering many other types of instruments for all applications.Utilising our expertise, clients have installed our sensors across more than 80 countries on some of the world’s largest and most prestigious projects.
Terra Insights
Powered by the trusted and experienced brands RST Instruments, Measurand, 3vGeomatics, Syscom Instruments, and NavStar, Terra Insights is a comprehensive platform of geotechnical, structural, and geospatial monitoring technology, along with purpose-built data delivery solutions.

AGS Instrumentation and Monitoring Working Group Leader and Associate Technical Director at Geotechnical Observations
Daniele has a MSc in Geotechnical Engineering and is a Chartered Civil Engineer. He has a wide experience in the Instrumentation and Monitoring field and has been involved with complex infrastructure projects in the UK and abroad. These include dams, tunnels and deep excavations in urbanised areas, earthworks and ground treatment schemes.

Managing Director, Geosense Ltd
Tim Clegg brings over a decade of expertise in the Geotechnical Instrumentation industry, with a focus on manufacturers’ perspectives. As the Managing Director of Geosense Ltd, a leading Geotechnical instrument manufacturer, Tim leads the company’s strategic growth, while overseeing operations and delivering top-quality solutions to clients across the globe. He places a strong emphasis on enhancing client experiences with field sensors.

Price: £30.00
AGS Member: £25.00 all prices exclude VAT
Price: £30.00
AGS Member: £25.00 all prices exclude VAT