Chair’s blog (July 2023)

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Welcome to the July issue of the AGS Magazine, the first edition published since I became Chair in May.

In this edition, learn about the assessment and mitigation of turbidity risks from piling. As the article states – the Environment Agency has recently commissioned CL:AIRE to update the EA’s 2001 guidance. Both our Contaminated Land and Geotechnical Working Groups are involved in updating the guidance.

Also in this edition, read about a study that was undertaken to assess and raise awareness of the feasibility of field based techniques for determining TPH concentrations in soil and read guidance from the Safety Working Group on the opening of core and dynamic sampler liners.

We also feature a number of live and virtual events including the AGS Eurocode Webinar in September and our Ground Risk Conference in November 2023. If you have suggestions for other events we are always pleased to hear from you.

Finally, why not consider entering our photographic competition. Winning photos will be used to update the AGS stands which are used at events and conferences and across our marketing materials. I look forward to seeing the entries.

Vivien Dent

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