The AGS is holding a new photography competition for 2023!
We’re on the lookout for your most creative images which are reflective of the geotechnical and geoenvironmental industry.
The winning photos may be used to update the AGS stands, which are used at events and conferences, and across our marketing materials.
If you’re a budding photographer or have a great engineering image which you’d like to enter, then we’d like to see it!
Entry into the competition is free and the winner of the competition will win a food hamper basket from luxury retailer, Fortnum and Mason, worth over £75. Three runners up will each win a bottle of Champagne.
There are no restrictions on the photography equipment used, so feel free to use a phone, computer, tablet or a traditional hand-held camera to capture your image as long as the below criteria are met.
All entries will be reviewed by select members of the AGS, who will decide on a shortlist and a potential winner. Full details will be announced in the November issue.
The AGS are looking for high resolution JPEG images (300 DPI / over 1MB image file size) of a geotechnical and geoenvironmental nature. Images can include project imagery, laboratory testing, collaborative working and more. Photographs featuring any on-site operatives should showcase health and safety procedures in place, if appropriate. Images should be no smaller than 4200 x 3400 pixels.
• Please email your image with;
- A short description of what it showcases and where it was taken (up to 50 words)
- Image credit information (if applicable)
- Your full name
- Company name
- Postal address
to ags@ags.org.uk with the subject ‘AGS Magazine: Photography Competition 2023’ in the email.
- There is no limit to the number of images you enter.
- The deadline for entries has been extended to 25th August 2023.
- Entry into the competition is free.
• Applicants must be aged 18 or over.
• All images must be high resolution and 300 DPI (dots per inch) / over 1MB image file size.
• Applicants must be based in the UK.
• The photographer must have full copyright of all entered images and appropriate permissions from all involved parties, for all images submitted.
• All images entered may be reproduced by the AGS and used in future AGS event and marketing literature without prior notice. This may include usage across the AGS’ social media channels, inclusion in the AGS Magazine, event programmes and on the AGS website. Please note that all images used will be credited.