As part of the initiative to promote the SiLC Affiliate Scheme (https://www.silc.org.uk/affiliate-scheme/), individual SiLCs have done a grand job in sending in video clips using their mobile phones and telling why they get excited about contaminated land, why they came into the profession and why they became a SiLC (https://www.silc.org.uk/) and SQP. Watch it and see what they have to say. None of the responses were scripted. Each contributer was sent a short list of questions and whatever they say is in their own words. The contributers also provided the interesting photographs that you will see in the video. An SQP is a registered individual under the National Quality Mark Scheme (NQMS) (https://www.claire.co.uk/projects-and-initiatives/nqms).
The video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSlz87569Cg) is directed at young people, particularly undergraduates or graduates, with one of the purposes being to encourage them to look at the geoenvironmental industry as a career path. However, others who are more advanced in their careers can also join the scheme and many have done so.
All the contributers to this video show that they are confident in the profession they have chosen and talk with such contagious enthusiasm that ‘who would not want to join them’ in such a rewarding career. They talk with passion about the variety of work that they get involved in, ‘never a dull moment’ as they say, and the variety of disciplines with which they interact.
To become a SiLC first requires chartered status and then the passing of the SiLC exam. The SiLC Affiliate Scheme was developed to assists new graduates, as well as those with more experience, to work towards full membership and chartered status of a professional body with guidance from a professional body advisor, and then progress towards SiLC/SQP registration with the assistance of a SiLC mentor. A key aspect of the scheme is the mentoring which will be provided to assist those on the scheme to progress towards recognised qualifications which will be a demonstration of their experience and capability in contaminated land and brownfield regeneration.
Have a look at the video to decide whether this scheme is right for you. Details of how to join are on the SiLC website (see above for link). The flyer for the SiLC Affiliate Scheme can be viewed here.